=Moonlight - 月光下的藍色男孩 (2016)=
最近因為奧斯卡最佳電影獎(best picture)被頒錯而一直出現在媒體上的月光下的藍色男孩,電影分成三段式去敘述而這也靈感來源是來自於侯孝賢的「最美好的時光」,導演貝瑞傑金斯 (Barry Jenkins)受王家衛的影響很深,所以裡面有不少幕都可以看到他向王家衛致敬的影子。
Juan: I've been here a long time. Out of Cuba. A lot of black folks are Cuban. You wouldn't know from being here now. I was a wild little shortie, man. Just like you. Running around with no shoes on, the moon was out. This one time, I run by this old... this old lady. I was running, howling. Kinda of a fool, boy. This old lady, she stopped me. She said...
Juan: [imitates old lady voice] "Running around, catching a lot of light". "In moonlight, black boys look blue". "You're blue". "That's what I'm gonna call you: 'Blue'."
Little: Is your name 'Blue'?
Juan: [laughs] Nah.
Juan: At some point, you gotta decide for yourself who you're going to be. Can't let nobody make that decision for you.

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