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Dear students,
We are thrilled to inform you that Sciences Po Lyon is proposing again its pre-university module for all incoming students, called Start’ Sciences Po Lyon. This 40-hour pre-university module is not compulsory, but is strongly recommended to maximize the students’ chances to succeed in their studies at Sciences Po Lyon. Those who choose to enroll will obtain 4 ECTS and a certificate if they pass. The tuition fees are €300.00 per student for the whole module.
The aim of the module is to help students familiarize with French academic culture, with the working methods and exam formats at Sciences Po Lyon, and to help consolidate their language and communication skills in French. Level groups will be formed on the basis of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The Fall semester module will take place from Monday, September 3rd to Friday, September 14th 2018. There will be a placement test in the morning of the first day. Thus, all students who want to attend the module have to arrive by September 2nd and no delay can be accepted.
You should send us back via email the registration form as soon as possible, but in any case before June 10th. The deadline for payment (see instructions attached) is June 20th.
The Start’ Sciences Po Lyon module will also be offered before the beginning of the 2nd semester and it will take place at the very beginning of January.
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