Dear student,
Thank you for sending us your application. You now have to print out your form or save it as a PDF document to print it out later. You must sign the printed application form and get it also signed by the international coordinator at your institution.
Please do not forget to join all required attachments:
- Duly signed application form
- Learning agreement
- Transcripts of your home university
- Statement of purpose (cover letter)
- CV
- 2 passport size photographs
Send all the documents first by email,
and then send a hard copy to the following address:
Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Lyon
Service de la Mobilité Internationale
14 avenue Berthelot
69365 Lyon Cedex 07
Our office cannot process your application without these documents.
Learning agreement 的表格需要自己找,沒有硬性規定,或者可以寫信請學校寄表格給你